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First, these are ideas I have formed after reviewing a lot of information on EV batteries. You have to educate yourself and perform additional research. Further, it is imperative that you consult with your insurance company for appropriate coverage and guidance.

Automobile dealerships are and will be required to store EV batteries on their premises whether for potential service issues or post service storage for warranty purposes. Proper storage of these batteries is crucial to ensure safety and maintain their efficiency. The following are some ideas to help mitigate potential risks and possibly aid the lifespan of the batteries.

  1. Designated Storage Area:

Establish a specific storage area within the dealership for EV batteries. This area should be well ventilated, adequately lit, and equipped with fire suppression systems. It should be accessible only to authorized personnel and protected from unauthorized entry.

  1. Battery Handling and Transportation:

Develop a set of handling and transporting guidelines for handling within the dealership. Again, only trained personnel should be allowed to move or install batteries, in compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Further, provide appropriate moving and installation/removal tools and equipment, to prevent mishaps.

  1. Environmental Controls:

Based on manufacturer recommendations provide a controlled environment for battery storage, for example temperature and humidity.

  1. Charging Infrastructure:

Since you are now required to have the appropriate manufacturer EV charging stations make sure the batteries, in storage, have sufficient or a full charge.

  1. Proper Storage Orientation:

Obviously, store the EV batteries pursuant to manufacturer recommendations, for example, battery racks or shelving systems, a labeling system to keep track of battery information such as manufacturing dates, serial numbers, and the state of charge.

  1. Inspection and Maintenance:

Have your trained personnel regularly check the EV batteries for any signs of damage or deterioration and create a maintenance schedule to perform routine checks. Again, pursuant to manufacturer recommendations.

  1. Safety Training:

It is important that personnel are properly trained and have a safety training program. The trained employees should know how to appropriately respond to emergencies.

  1. Property Damage:

EV batteries are considered hazardous as is evidenced by the videos we have seen of EV vehicle fires. Therefore, there is a risk of significant property damage to the dealership facility. Again, check your insurance coverage.

  1. Business Interruption:

EV battery incidences can lead to property damage and a disruption in business operations. Again, check with your insurance company for business interruption insurance.

  1. Liability:

Storing EV batteries pose a risk for various reasons that can cause damage or injury for which the dealership could be held liable. Again, check with your insurance company.

  1. Environmental Risks:

EV batteries contain hazardous materials that can be harmful to the environment if not handled properly. In the event of a battery leak or damage, there is a risk of soil or water contamination. Cleanup costs associated with environmental damage may not be covered by standard insurance policies, necessitating specific environmental liability coverage. Again, check with your insurance company.

  1. Employee Safety:

As stated herein, establish training and safety/inspection protocols and follow them!

It’s important for you to review your existing insurance policies and consult with your insurance providers to ensure appropriate coverage for the specific risks associated with storing EV batteries. The dealership should also consider additional specialized insurance options, such as hazardous materials coverage or specific battery storage endorsements, to address the unique risks posed by EV batteries.

Again, these are merely suggestions, you have to perform your own due diligence and follow the recommendations of your manufacturer, insurance company, and any other expert you retain for advice.


Having been a Chevrolet dealer, Robert A. Poklar’s business background and experience in the automotive industry aid him in his representation of numerous Ohio automotive dealerships. He also represents after-market service companies, trade organizations, dealers, advertising associations and corporations. Pursuant to certain ethical standards, this may be construed as advertising.


Robert A. Poklar – 216.687.3243 – rpoklar@westonhurd.com