Ohio’s new COVID immunity bill (H.B. 606) became law on Monday, September 14, 2020, and provides broad legal immunity to individuals, schools and businesses from claims in connection with COVID-19. Businesses cannot be liable to employees, patrons or others for claims related to the transmission, exposure and/or contraction of COVID-19. The new law applies to Ohio entities only. It covers for-profit businesses, schools, non-profits, government agencies, universities and churches. Healthcare providers are protected in connection with the “provision, withholding, or withdrawal” of services resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. There are some exceptions to this healthcare provider protection. Also prohibited are class actions related to COVID.
This law is temporary and is effective for the period of March 9, 2020 through September 30, 2021.
Contact Information

Dana A. Rose, Esq. – drose@westonhurd.com – 216.687.3342
Dana practices primarily in the areas of real estate, nonprofit organizations, business and commercial matters